Country Heartbeat - Club Q&A's

Posted By Linedance NZ
18 August 2024

Welcome to our monthly club Q&A's this month, we had a chance to catch up with the fabulous team at "Country Heartbeat"...

Get ready to step into the world of Country Heartbeat! πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ

Whether you’re a seasoned dancer or just tapping your toes to the beat, the magic of line dancing is something that brings people together. Today, we’re thrilled to shine a spotlight on Country Heartbeat, a club that's been making waves (and some pretty fancy footwork) in Northwest Auckland. From spontaneous name origins to Nashville-bound adventures, this Q&A with the heart and soul behind Country Heartbeat is sure to put a smile on your face and maybe even get you itching to join in the fun.

So, slip on your cowboy boots (or dance shoes!), and let’s dive into what makes this club tick – or should we say, dance to the beat of their own drum!

What's the name of your club, and how did you come up with it?

Our club is called ‘Country Heartbeat,’ and our logo features a heart with a ‘musical’ heartbeat. The name was created spontaneously on stage during a local show when we were asked what we were called. We had to come up with a name quickly, and luckily, it stuck and has lasted over time.

How long has the club been running, and where is it based?

We have been running for seven and a half years. Classes under the Country Heartbeat banner are held in Kumeu, Silverdale, and Dairy Flat – all in Northwest Auckland.

Tell us a bit about the instructor(s) (maybe some fun facts - line dance or not).

Sue Wellesley-Davies is the instructor. She’s been line dancing for nine years and has a real passion for it. She still struggles with telling LEFT from RIGHT but is working on it! We’ve been ‘growing’ other instructors as well – five dancers who started at Country Heartbeat have gone on to teach their own classes. One of our dancers is currently on Stewart Island for work and is teaching line dancing while there.

What are some of your club’s current favourite dances, and what are some of the good oldies you still enjoy?

We love a wide variety of dances. Current favourites include Straight Line and Washed Up in Austin. Our social favourites are Work The World, Larger Than Life, and Mony Mony.

Tell us a story or some fun facts about your club (or share your favourite memories).

We’re planning a ‘class trip’ next June to Nashville – over 30 of us are going for the CMA Festival, with plenty of line dancing included. We’ve had a ‘bespoke’ tour created for us, and we’re very excited about it.

Country Heartbeat was the first club to host a ‘beginner dance only’ social event with live music. Since then, we’ve always ensured that beginner dances make up 50% of our social programs, often with split floors.

Does your club have a preferred style of music (country or pop), or do you just love any good dance song?

Our classes feature a mix of country and pop music – about 50/50.

Cowboy boots, dance shoes, or a comfortable pair of trainers: what’s your club’s go-to?

Everyone loves an excuse to wear their cowboy boots, so we have regular ‘boot nights,’ but dance shoes are the top choice for class.

Every club seems to have that character or maybe many (does your club have one or some)? Tell us a little.

Our classes are full of fun and laughter, and many great friendships have formed over the years. Our dancers range in age from 9 to their mid-80s and everything in between. We aim for everyone to leave their troubles at the door and leave with a happy heart. We strive to be welcoming and inclusive.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your club?

Our classes range from absolute beginner to advanced, with all levels in between.

A group of us loves travelling to workshops and socials – we like to make a splash with our costumes and always try to think outside the box.

We perform every March at the local Kumeu Show and also at Christmas time in the Huapai triangle, where people come to see the Christmas lights.

We LOVE line dancing and take every opportunity to promote it.

Find out more about Country Heartbeat - Classes and location