Funny Reasons You Know You're a Line Dancer

Posted By Linedance NZ
6 October 2024
  2. 1) You count everything in sets of 8—even when you're walking to the kitchen or up the stairs.
  3. 2) The phrase "kick, ball, change" is your life mantra—and you use it when you trip over something!
  4. 3) You instinctively step-touch when you hear a good beat—even at the grocery store.
  5. 4) Your wardrobe consists of 80% cowboy boots and dance-friendly jeans. Formal event? Sparkly boots. Casual BBQ? Cowboy boots.
  6. 5) You can't listen to a song without thinking, "There’s a line dance for this!"
  7. 6) You've caught yourself grapevining to the bathroom—or worse, doing a full pivot turn in public.
  8. 7) You secretly judge songs by how fun they are to dance to—and their BPM matters more than the lyrics.
  9. 8) "Just one more dance" means another hour on the floor—and everyone knows it’s a lie!
  10. 9) You understand the universal language of hand signals on the dance floor—and you can direct a whole crowd with a single wave.
  11. 10) Your vacation plans revolve around dance events—because, why visit a new city if you can't dance there?
  12. 11) You have a designated "dance bag" packed with shoes, extra socks, and knee braces—you know, just in case.
  13. 12) The floor is more sacred than your morning coffee—because missing out on good flooring is like missing out on life!
  14. 13) Your Spotify playlists are filled with "line dance practice" songs—and your friends wonder why you love remixes so much.
  15. 14) You’ve learned that sitting down between dances is for amateurs—you dance through the water breaks!
  16. 15) You can do the Cha Cha Slide, Cupid Shuffle, and Electric Slide in your sleep—and you probably have.
  17. 16) You have strong opinions about which wall is best to face during a dance—and you can argue for hours about the merits of a good "front wall" finish.
  18. 17) You consider a room too small if it doesn’t have enough space for a proper shuffle step.
  19. 18) You’ve lost count of how many times someone has asked, “Is that like square dancing?”—and you give them the same patient explanation every time.
  20. 19) You think of line dancing as your cardio workout—and feel justified skipping the gym for the next week.
  21. 20) You recognize choreographers by name—and may or may not have fan-girled or fan-boyed over them at events.
  22. 21) Your friends know that you won't be free on Saturday nights—because you’ll always be at the nearest dance hall or club.
  23. 22) You have a favorite dance that you secretly hope gets requested at every social—and you'll low-key pout if it doesn't.
  24. 23) When someone says "We’re all in line!" you automatically assume it's for dancing, not for waiting in line.
  25. 24) You’ve accidentally line danced at a wedding reception when you weren’t supposed to—and maybe got a few people to join in!
  26. 25) You’ve mastered the art of scooting between people mid-dance—without missing a single beat.
  27. 26) You know how to deal with “the floor hog”—you’ve perfected the art of dodging them while keeping your rhythm.
  28. 27) You can tell which dance someone is doing from across the room—just from their footwork.
  29. 28) You’ve heard someone say, "Let's do it one more time!" at least five times before they actually mean it.
  30. 29) You’ve perfected the art of looking cool when you mess up a step—because just shimmying or turning with confidence can fix anything!
  31. 30) Someone always yells, “Watch your walls!” at the socials, but everyone still ends up facing the wrong direction at least once.
  32. 31) You’ve got a dedicated 'dance cheat sheet' in your phone—but still struggle to remember that one tricky dance name.
  33. 32) You’ve had heated debates over which version of The Bootscootin' Boogie is superior—and friendships may have been tested over it.
  34. 33) You know the pain of seeing "Advanced" on the workshop list—but you convince yourself you’re totally ready anyway.
  35. 34) You've used your line dance moves in non-dance situations—like sidestepping through a crowd or pivoting away from awkward conversations.
  36. 35) You’ve swapped line dance blooper stories—because everyone has at least one, and they only get funnier with time.
  37. 36) You’ve whispered a prayer that your favorite song comes on after a long night—and your reaction when it does is nothing short of epic.
  38. 37) You and your friends have code names for those “tricky” choreographers—and you all know exactly who you’re talking about.
  39. 38) You can spot the "newbies" immediately—they’re the ones looking confused when everyone just starts dancing without teaching the steps.
  40. 39) You know the agony of a DJ cutting your favorite song short—just when you were really getting into it.
  41. 40) You’ve shared a knowing look with someone across the room when a classic dance starts—because you’ve both been dancing it for years.
  42. 41) You have at least one pair of “lucky dance shoes”—and you believe they make you turn faster and glide smoother.